- Research
Pickup News
Reaserch Result
Sub-THz propagation channel simulator for 6th-gen mobile communication systems R&D
Reaserch Result
Don’t matter if you’re this or that – AI intervention mitigates tension among conflicting ethnic groups
Reaserch Result
Built-in bionic computing – Artificial muscles with embedded bifurcation structures can control complex motion
- Award Mr. Arata TOMOTO (Advanced Mathematical Sciences Course) was awarded the Conference Encouragement Award of the Japanese Neural Network Society 34th Annual Meeting (JNNS2024) for the paper entitled “Nonlinear recurrent neural network for stimulus-dependent memories with amplified transient trajectories”.
- Award Mr. Asahi NAKAMUTA (Advanced Mathematical Sciences Course) was awarded the Conference Encouragement Award of the Japanese Neural Network Society 34th Annual Meeting (JNNS2024) for the paper entitled “Self-organization of the power-law neural activity and spatial structure of the principal components”.
- Award Mr. Taishi Nakai (Social Informatics Course) was awarded “Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security, SCIS Paper Award” for the research “The Blockchain Trilemma Described by a Formula”.
- Award Mr. Taishi Nakai (Social Informatics Course) was awarded “Internet Achitecture Research Award, Excellent Research Award” for the research “The Blockchain Trilemma Described by a Formula”.
- Award Mr. Taishi Nakai (Social Informatics Course) was awarded “18th ICT Innovation Outstanding Research Award”.
- Award Mr. Haoyang DENG (Dept. Systems Science) was awarded 2019 SICE Kansai Chapter Young Researcher’s Award.
- Award Mr. Tengyu Deng, Assistant Professor Eita Nakamura and Associate Professor Kazuyoshi Yoshii (Intelligence Science and Technology Course) received the Best Paper Award in APSIPA ASC 2023.
- Award The paper by Mr. Siqi PENG and Professor Akihiro YAMAMOTO (Intelligence Science and Technology Course), “Z-TCA: Fast Algorithm for Triadic Concept Analysis Using Zero-suppressed Decision Diagrams”, was granted as JIP (Journal of Information Processing) Specially Selected Paper.
- Award Professor Shun-ichi AZUMA (Dept. Systems Science) was awarded Best Paper Award of AROB-ISBC-SWARM 2023 for the paper entitled “Path Following Control of a Snake Robot with Passive Joints” together with researchers of Nagoya University.
- Award The paper of Mr. Kazumasa OMURA and Professor Sadao KUROHASHI (Dept. Intelligence Science and Technology), “Improving Commonsense Contingent Reasoning by Pseudo-data and its Application to the Related Tasks”, was selected as an outstanding paper at COLING2022 (the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics).